3 - [FREE PREVIEW] What makes a presentation good

Lesson Summary

In the last lesson, it was highlighted how starting a presentation with a vague topic can lead to a bloated and uninteresting slide deck that the audience dislikes. To strengthen your content and make it more engaging, it is crucial to define the scope of your presentation.

  • Define the scope of your presentation by being clear on three aspects:
    • Who is your audience?
    • What do they expect from your presentation?
    • What are your objectives as the presenter?
  • Clarity on these questions helps you determine what to include and what to exclude in your presentation, making your content relevant and specific.
  • Relevant content captures the audience's attention, even without exceptional stage presence, while specific content aids in understanding and retention of information, regardless of slide design.

Defining the scope involves focusing on three key components: audience persona, points A and B, and presentation objectives. These elements will be elaborated on in upcoming lessons.

Stay tuned for the next lesson, where focusing on the audience persona, will be discussed. See you then!

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