What You Will Get:

4200 Fully Editable PowerPoint Templates

34 PowerPoint Training Courses

Lifetime License to PowerPoint Templates

Lifetime Access to Training Program and updates

Includes all bonuses

One Time Payment Only. No Recurring Charges.

Get Comprehensive Bundle 2.0 + PowerPoint Mastery Training Combo

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If my product doesn’t make a measurable difference to your presentations, you can write to us within 30 days of purchase, and we’ll refund 100% of your money. 

*In case of installment payments, the money back guarantee is applicable to first 30 days after purchase -that is - for the first installment only.

After all, if you are not happy with our product, we don’t deserve your money. It’s that simple.


*This is a limited time offer and can be withdrawn at anytime.

What Customers are saying about our templates & training

Comprehensive Bundle:

" I have used several of the bundles over the last 4 years in my work as trainer on EU grants. I give complex trainings about how to obtain the most prestigious grants in the European Union for audiences of people who are at a minimum 7 years after PhD up to full professors across all disciplines. Which has now completely changes to modular online lectures since the covid-19.
Four years ago I wanted to change the business model from live training to e-learning. I found the Teachable website. The advise from Teachable to work with pictures (photo's) did not work for me at all. 
And that is when I stumbled across your work. I think it was the videos on youtube and in particular the word animated powerpoint. Using Advanced Animations and lately the Modern pack, I have been able not only to make my ppt more attractive but also conceptually far more informative. 
The more I understand how to use the templates the better I've become in rethinking what key is in what I want to help my audience to re-conceptualize in what it takes to be successful in their applications.
Every year, I seem to be able to enrich my insight and therefore to come up with better visualized slides that are more coherent in the storyline through the animations and visualisations. 
To cut a long story short: In Bundle 2.0 I found in particular the tools offered in understanding how to simplify the categories of templates very insightful. Furthermore the different Bundles made me aware of the fact that also in the groups I talk to there may be different Bundles more appropriate for different groups.
I just realized that the power of the Hand Drawn bundle would be excellent for train the trainers sessions where I need them to come up with the visualizations for their story. The hand drawn slides seem somehow more open for own interpretations and therefore good for inviting group work. Therefore I'm deeply grateful, how your templates over the years have allowed me to make the transition and where I have audiences super excited about the quality of my presentations."
Lotte Jaspers
Director, Trainer in Training and Consultancy

*Verified Purchase

Ramgopal's PowerPoint Mastery Program

"I am a project manager/program manager, managing multiple projects for multiple customers, I need to keep the information I am providing, interesting and informative on a weekly basis, your training and inspirational slides, colours, templates etc are invaluable and worth every penny.

I have also bought other products from you and these have allowed me to be creative to make bespoke slides which are very much enjoyed by my audience. Thank you so much.

Your support has been very responsive and helpful, I was shocked to receive such personal support in a world where things are now so impersonal."

Olivia Greengrass, UK IT Project Manager, Ingram Micro

*Verified Purchase